Thursday, August 13, 2015

Unintended Beauty

I love taking pictures of architecture almost as much as I do the natural world. But rather than admiring the front of a building, I often find my eyes being drawn to the side streets and back alleyways. Over the years I've accumulated a collection of photos that capture my fascination with these spaces. 

True beauty exists independent of our human intentions. With the perfect combination of line, color, texture and light a functional space can become a work of art... 

Even more interesting to me are the spaces between buildings. These gaps offer visual breathing space and a slice of blue sky that hints at the infinite expanse beyond the densely packed city streets. 

I enjoy stepping a few feet into the space between two buildings on a hot summer day to feel the coolness of their shady walls and taking a break from the icy wind in the middle of winter. Without any visible present day reminders, I sometimes feel like I've been transported back in time.

Places of unintentional beauty fill me with a sense of gratitude and humility. They transcend our ideas of what should be considered worthy of appreciation. When we look for them, we find they exist all around us, especially in the most unexpected of places.

Where do you find unintended beauty?


  1. Where do I find unintended beauty? I find it not so much in any particular "place", or "type of place". I have found that my experience of "beauty" occurs more in dependance upon my "state of mind". For example, if I am anxious, tense or worried ... or if I am planning or remembering or fantasizing; then I find that l do not notice the interesting manner in which the trash collects itself in the storm drain; I do not notice the remarkable pattern of the bird shit on the pavement. But if I am clear-minded and alert without distracting mental chatter, I discover "beauty" everywhere, simply standing still, eyes open or closed; "allowing" rather than focusing my attention.

    Thank yoy, Becky !

  2. And I like your photography very much during this "clear minded" moment ! ! !

  3. I find beauty in grandeur and in small things. Most of all, I find beauty in moments of "ah-ha".

  4. I find beauty in grandeur and in small things. Most of all, I find beauty in moments of "ah-ha".

  5. Try the allies and interior gardens in New Orleans. These are great, too.
